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Our Journey

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The Journey Begins

Our ministry journey has always been one that has been filled with trusting Him and being willing to follow Him wherever He leads us. John 3:8 says "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit" In no doubt, this scripture is a great summary of our journey as missionaries in Guatemala and our desire is for it to always define our ministry legacy.

YWAM Guatemala City 

Our ministry journey began in 2003 when David went to Guatemala to do with Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). After he completed the school, God gave him a vision for a youth center / coffee house for street youth and children at risk and so he remained in Guatemala City to join the YWAM Staff. In 2005, we got married and continued for a short season our exclusive work with street youth in Guatemala City.  In February 2006, Juli was finally able to complete her long awaited DTS.  During the following 6 years, we staffed and directed various DTS schools while also serving closely with the base directors. We also began the urban ministry department and lauched the base's first ever "urban ministry focused" DTS. 

The Street Revolution

In 2012, we felt God release us from YWAM Guatemala City.  This was very hard for us, but we were certain that it was His leading and that He was calling us to finally launch The Street Revolution. Over the next 4 years, we experienced many ups and downs with pioneering a ministry and by mid 2015, we were finally able to launch the activity center / coffee house (The Spark Cafe) that David had envisioned in 2003! The Spark was an instant hit with street youth and quickly we also found ourselves working intensely with children who were living nearby in high risk situations. In Jan 2016, we took another leap of faith and launched a "Little School" program designed to prepare the children for school, while teaching them the basics (such as reading and writing). 

YWAM Antigua 

In March 2016, God began to stir us again and spoke to us to release The Spark Cafe to 2 volunteers who had helped us for several years. He then began to challenge us about whether we really were willing to go wherever He leads us, even if it meant packing up and moving. Once we finally said yes, He then pointed us to Antigua, Guatemala and to return to the ministry where it all began, YWAM. Our heart was to just come and serve the base in whatever capacity we could. During our time, we served with the base Kid's Club as well as the base Bible Distribution program. We also led the base's Discipleship Training School program, a program designed to help believers grow in their Intimacy with God while also learning to make Him known throughout the world! 

Conroe, Texas

In 2019, after a difficult season of dealing with cancer and other medical issues, we felt God challenge us to trust Him once again and move for a season to Conroe, Texas. His word for us was to "Inspire, Equip, and Send" the local church into foreign and local missions. After sharing this vision with the leadership of Transformation Church,  Juli was offered the position of "Children's Pastor". She served in that capacity for 3 years and developed a new way of thinking with the church in regards to the importance of children's ministry. Shortly after taking a season to rest from ministry, Juli was offered the opportunity to serve as Director of Promised Land Learning Center, a ministry of our original sending church, Living Branch Church. This has been a huge blessing for her to serve our local community in such a practical way! At the same time, David and the boys are serving in various areas of the church, ranging from worship ministry to the pre-teen ministry. David also gets to speak from time to time on Wednesday evenings and still longs to train youth to go into the mission field.  

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